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We have embarked on an ambitious 400 year project to bring more nature back to the Doddington Estate

On 5 June 2021 the United Nations launched its Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. It is a rallying call for the revival of ecosystems to benefit people and nature. And that is just what Wilder Doddington is setting out to achieve:

letting nature recover, letting people connect to nature



Wilder Connections

We are delighted to announce the launch of Wilder Connections, an ambitious and inspirational new programme taking place at Wilder Doddington, which has been made

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We have ended arable farming and letting nature take over, with our Lincoln Red cattle and existing wild deer population managing the landscape for us. Our Mangalitza pigs arrived in early 2023 and later we will be adding wild ponies to the mix.

This low intensity grazing will allow the development of wood pasture, wetlands and species-rich grassland across the previously extensively drained and conventionally farmed estate.

the vision

The result will be that woodlands and other habitats expand and link up, and new habitats are created, resulting in: a huge increase in wildlife and biodiversity; a big reduction in greenhouse gases emitted; lots more carbon locked away in soils and vegetation; better and more resilient soils, better water quality; and reduced flooding.

We will also be developing a whole range of wildlife safaris, tours, guided walks and nature spotting; there will be camping, glamping and self-catering accommodation; new walking and cycling routes; access to Wilder Doddington for education and learning, health, fitness and nature-inspired creative and cultural events; as well as visits and activities for people of all ages whose mental and physical health can be improved by connecting to nature. There will also be be exciting work experience and employment opportunities around all these activities. And of course there will be delicious, sustainable, pasture-fed organic beef for sale.


Highlights from Graeme Lyons’ spring bird survey at Doddington include Reed Buntings, Bullfinches, a Redpoll, several Lapwing, Tree Sparrows close to the centre of the estate and a late flock of 40+ Fieldfares hanging around (due to the cold spring we suspect).
Highlights from the latest bird survey include a Cuckoo and Yellow Wagtail. Also lots of Whitethroats, Lesser Whitethroats and Garden Warblers.


On a recent invertebrate survey, ecologist Graeme Lyons reported an amazing 101 field identifications of invertebrates including the nationally scarce Ant-tiger (Euryopis flavomaculata) and, new to Lincolnshire, the grassland spider Mangora acalypha made its debut.


We want to improve our water habitats so knowing what is here now is an important first step. Amongst our findings are a newt eft, freshwater leech and water louse. Some species can only be identified with a microscope so in due course we will have a full list.
Graham Warnes was joined by Luca Mao, Lainie Qie and Isobel Wright from the University of Lincoln.
Photography: Doddington Hall, Lexy Foxley-Johnson, Mark Stacey Photography, Vicky Barlow, Pete Gilbert, Graeme Lyons