Wilder Connections

The Doddington Estate is 6 miles from Lincoln, and at its centre stands Doddington Hall. Historically Doddington was a little visited historic house and a conventional farm with minimal public access from a small number of footpaths and bridleways. Since 2007 it has vigorously diversified with accommodation, shops, cafes, weddings, events and new permissive access trails; now employing 200+ people, attracting 300,000+ visits a year, and 80,000+ online audience.

The 770 hectare Doddington Estate of woods and farmland is on marginal grade 3 land, and struggled to break even in the face of increasing costs, extreme weather events and tapering EU subsidies. Inspired by projects like Knepp Wildland and Wild Ken Hill, the opportunity to play a more positive role in the face of the climate and biodiversity emergencies was spotted, and in 2021 arable farming ceased and an estate-wide nature recovery initiative, Wilder Doddingtonbegan. This is supported by a Natural England Countryside Stewardship Scheme. Wilder Doddington is the largest inland area devoted to nature in Greater Lincolnshire. 

Thanks to a £1.9m investment from The National Lottery Heritage Fund, made possible thanks to National Lottery players, and £250,000 support from Anglian Water, WILDER CONNECTIONS aims to realise nature-based social and economic benefits for the local community on the back of nature recovery at Wilder Doddington.

Wilder Connections

We are delighted to announce the launch of Wilder Connections, an ambitious and inspirational new programme taking place at Wilder

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The Doddington Hall Conservation Charity (no. 1114539) was founded in 2006.


To conserve, restore, enhance and protect the natural and cultural heritage of Doddington for the long-term benefit of the wider community.

To enable the wider community to benefit from the many opportunities arising from Doddington’s natural and cultural heritage: learning, volunteering, research skills development and wellbeing.


Activities that empower the local community through delivering wellbeing, learning and engagement with Wilder Doddington, and activities that bring hands-on people-power to support and enhance Wilder Doddington:

  • Volunteering – opportunities for people from all walks of life to get hands-on at Wilder Doddington.
  • School visits – visits for primary schools designed to create a lasting connection with nature – in partnership with Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust.
  • Young Darwin Scholarships supporting young people with a real interest in the natural world to develop the skills and networks to make a career of it.
  • Alternative provision for disadvantaged young learners to gain experience, skills and wellbeing at Wilder Doddington – in conjunction with Hill Holt Wood.
  • Higher Education – opportunities for students and academics to gain field skills and to conduct research projects at Doddington – environmental, ecological, social, economic – in partnership with University of Lincoln
  • Forest School – a range of woodland based programmes for children and families including some funded places.
  • Wellbeing visits to Wilder Doddington by community, mental health and other vulnerable groups from the surrounding area.
  • Opening up Wilder Doddington for visitors –  new trails, with engaging, inclusive interpretation and fun citizen science activities.
  • Construction of the ‘Wild House’ – a cutting-edge exemplar of sustainable building techniques as a base for Wilder Connections activities, one of the first non-domestic Passivhaus Premium buildings in the UK. 

Activities to enhance the Countryside Stewardship-funded Wilder Doddington project and ensure its legacy:

  • ‘Wetter Better’ project with the Freshwater Habitat Trust and the River Restoration Centre to enhance Wilder Doddington’s nature recovery by rewetting the previously intensively drained and farmed estate. This is a landscape-scale project which will result in: a regionally important freshwater biodiversity site; increased carbon sequestration and significant (natural) flood- mitigation for Lincoln. Involvement of learners and volunteers throughout programme. 
  • Baselining and monitoring of the wildlife at Wilder Doddington with lots of help from volunteers and students.

Activities to ensure that the project inspires similar projects and builds support amongst funders and policy-makers:

  • Public relations and online engagement to maximise the awareness, reach and impact of Wilder Connections.
  • Ensuring that we share our model and learning with our networks and partners and specialist audiences via open access data, case-histories, symposia, conferences, using digital, social media and specialist online channels, press and broadcast coverage.

Wilder Connections is designed to build the business models, partnerships and capacity to ensure the long-term impact of Wilder Doddington and its ecological, social and economic outcomes. 

“I was incredibly fortunate to have parents who were passionate about nature. I now see that this gave me an inbuilt sense of connectedness to nature and an appreciation of the interdependence between humans and the natural world. This has been a huge driver in my adult life. The climate and biodiversity crises have arisen in part because the number of those lucky enough to feel such a connection has drastically declined and there is a lack of understanding of the huge range of ecological, economic, and social benefits that nature brings us.

The Wilder Connections project is designed to realise a fantastic opportunity at Doddington to help address this. Thanks to National Lottery players we are going to develop a wide range of projects designed to help people build their understanding of nature, their connection to it, and to benefit from all the health, happiness and resilience it can bring. We want to demonstrate the true value of nature, to influence policy and research, and ultimately to create opportunities for people to play their part in a more sustainable future.”
Claire Birch
Wilder Doddington Project Director

Using money raised by the National Lottery, The National Lottery Heritage Fund inspires, leads and resources the UK’s heritage to create positive and lasting change for people and communities, now and in the future: www.heritagefund.org.uk

Each week, thanks to National Lottery players, £30 million is raised for good causes across the UK.

“We are thrilled to work with Doddington” said Julian Free, Deputy Vice Chancellor at the University of Lincoln. “Wilder Doddington provides an excellent field site for us, and through Wilder Connections we will be able to connect a much wider range of students and staff with this beautiful location and build the knowledge and skills needed for a healthy future for citizens and the planet.”
