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Swifts fly in to Doddington Hall

Our 2016 Sculpture Exhibition ‘Bold, Brave and Strong’ sees the bronze swifts of Sculptress Joel make their first public debut!


Entitled “Swifts First and Last?” this new statue celebrates the epic journeys of the iconic bird in our Summer skies, these amazing birds that travel so far each year to be with us. The artwork is available for sale and some of the funds raised will help support the Swift Statue project and Swift conservation.


Joel works with several nature conservation charities to raise awareness of the help these and many other bird species need, so that they can continue to zip across our skies and inspire us with their brave and heroic lives.


Swifts live up to their name one study recorded a Swift flying 3,000 miles in five days, Swifts can reach can reach 220 km/h in dives, yet they are only around 17 cm long with a wingspan of just 40 cm! From the UK Swifts often fly through Spain and West Africa, before turning inland from Senegal, across the continent to the rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where they spend much of the winter.


“Awareness of the need for nesting site provision and protection for Swifts is one area where we can make a big difference to this inspiring bird “said Joel ”this new pair of Bronze Swifts have joined my Goldfinch Bronzes in the beautiful and peaceful setting of the herb garden at Doddington Hall  and I hope that they will help us remember and support our birdlife”.



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