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Hanging the Courting Couple Tapestry

The beginning of October had us hanging the Courting Couple tapestry back on the walls of the Holly bedroom at Doddington Hall. As with the Cobbler and Bagpiper tapestries, the tapestry is only hanging temporarily to allow it to relax and drop before we apply its final lining of cotton cambric to protect it from dust.


We are still working on the Peddler and Hunter tapestries at the Heritage Skills Centre at Lincoln Castle and the Falconer tapestry has completed its stint hanging at the Collection as part of the Lincolnshire Great Exhibition.  This will be the first tapestry to have its final lining applied.


When the Hall opens for Christmas you will be able to see the Bagpiper, Cobbler and Courting Couple tapestries hanging in the Holly bedroom.  It is very exciting to see the room slowly coming back together. The room should be completed with all the tapestries hanging by June 2016.


Image 1. Here is an image of us hanging the Courting Couple tapestry, rolling it onto the wall from a drain pipe.


Image 2. Here is an image of the back of the tapestry before we hung it on the wall, you can see the courting couple outlined by all our conservation stitching.


Image 3. Here is the tapestry hanging on the wall.


For images and weekly updates on the conservation project, follow us on Instagram at conservation_at_doddington.

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