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Biodiversity Net Gain

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is a new policy designed to support and boost nature when developing land. The intention is to make sure the habitat for wildlife is in a better state than it was before development.

From February 2024 (although adopted earlier in Central Lincolnshire) it is a statutory requirement that any developer of domestic, retail or industrial sites ensures that loss of biodiversity caused by the development is assessed and offset with an increase to 110% of the pre-existing biodiversity at the site prior to the development. This may be achieved adjacent to the development site, or offsite, ideally nearby. Please see the Government guidance for more information.

At Doddington we are pleased to help increase biodiversity as it is central to our long-term mission. BNG agreements have the potential to deliver improved habitats over a 30 year period.

This is a new and complicated process but we welcome the initiative since it ensures that every effort must be made to maintain habitat.  If that can’t be done on the development site, there is now a mechanism ensure the losses are paid for and replaced, with a boost of an additional 10%.

You can see more about our local council’s plans for nature and climate change here.

If you wish to get in touch, please email FAO James Birch