Gardens & gallery open daily

Flower Therapy Mornings

I have been so grateful for my cutting garden during lockdown – it has really helped me to have a sense of purpose and of course spending time in nature can make you feel better. Researchers are amassing a body of evidence, proving what we all know to be true: nature is good for us and has both long and short term mental and physical health benefits. Research has shown that a natural environment has a positive effect on well-being through restoration from stress and attentional fatigue. It has been termed ‘Vitamin G’ where G stands for the green space around us. It could also stand for grounding because being in nature does exactly that – it takes us out of our heads and helps us to feel more balanced.


Beyond that, flowers themselves have an energy and an ability to heal and transform. This is so obvious when we have a day playing with flowers in a workshop. Being surrounded by flowers, being present in the moment, keeping our minds still and focused is so good for us. I can teach people how to make beautiful flower arrangements but I can also teach them about themselves, using flowers.  I have set up some floral retreat mornings which rather than focusing on ‘how to make an arrangement’ is more ‘let’s make an arrangement, focus on the moment, listen to what the flowers are telling you, restore and renew your soul’. It is amazingly powerful and a beautiful tool to find some mental space and peace. The individual flowers you choose have meaning – you are drawn to them for a reason. Finding the space to listen to what they are saying with the help of an intuitive and sensitive facilitator gives scope for creating beautiful personal transformation through connection with flowers and nature.


– Rachel Petheram of Catkin Flowers


Flower therapy mornings one to one sessions

10am – 1pm, dates by mutual agreement

Come away from the world for a morning to a walled garden, safely tucked in the English countryside at Doddington Hall and restore your weary soul. Find space to breathe amid the scented blooms of abundant flowers. Reconnect with yourself using the tools that nature has to offer and guided by an experienced and sensitive facilitator. Discover a little more about yourself as together we use flowers as therapy in a relaxing, mindful and empowering workshop designed to give you space to be and to find a little peace.


All materials are provided, £130



View all Catkin Flowers workshops and online courses


Find out more about Rachel and follow Catkin Flowers on social media for a regular dose of loveliness.

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Flowers can be incredibly powerful as Julie Montagu found out on her visit to Rachel’s cutting garden last year as part of the Smithsonian Channel TV series ‘An American Aristocrat’s Guide to Great Estates’. WATCH NOW


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